Want to transform your chaotic mornings and achieve more in less time... without sacrificing your precious sleep or family time?

Get my step-by-step training program to go from feeling constantly tired & overwhelmed to enjoying a balanced, productive, and fulfilling life.

You've tried countless productivity hacks, motivational seminars, and routine programs, only to end up with an even bigger "to-do" list and more stress.

Now…it's time to finally establish a morning routine that not only boosts your productivity but also brings balance and harmony to your life. It's time to stop feeling overwhelmed and start living a life you love, with more time for your family and yourself.


Is it even possible to accomplish more in less time, eliminate stress and anxiety, and still have quality time for your family - without working countless hours, sacrificing sleep, or adding more tasks to your already overflowing "to-do" list?

Good news: it's absolutely possible with Morning Routine Magic. Keep reading if you want to know how.

Picture this

You sign up for Morning Routine Magic and...

You've set your priorities for the next day, knowing exactly what your first three tasks are.

Each morning, you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day, not overwhelmed with an endless "to-do" list.

You've built in accountability and discovered your big WHY, making every task meaningful and fulfilling.

You're not just surviving each day; you're thriving, enjoying more quality time with your family and feeling balanced and happy.

Now, transforming your mornings obviously doesn't happen QUITE so effortlessly, but...

Here's how simple it can be to create your magical morning routine with Morning Routine Magic:

Step 1:

Easy first step – sign up for the Morning Routine Magic program.

You'll get immediate access to the videos, templates, and receive clear instructions on how to begin.

Step 2:

Based on your needs and preferences, decide on the top priorities that resonate with you the most.

Utilize the templates and other guides to customize a plan tailored specifically for you.

Step 3:

Start incorporating these routines and recommendations into your mornings. You'll begin to see improvements in your stress levels, productivity, work/family life balance, and more.

That's right!

With Morning Routine Magic, you can transform your mornings without...

Feeling overwhelmed with an endless "to-do" list

Sacrificing precious sleep or family time

Feeling like your morning routine is just another chore to check off

Feeling like you're always running out of time

Using temporary fixes that only add to your stress and anxiety

Saying 'No' to social events just so you can be up at the crack of dawn

Improve Your Mood By Eating Healthy Food.

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Bottom Line:

Creating a balanced, productive, and stress-free lifestyle can really be as simple as strategically managing your time and priorities.

Ready to start experiencing less stress, more time for your family, and a fulfilling, joyful life?



Snag my step-by-step program, fill out the simple templates, find an encourager to cheer you on, and jumpstart your fantastic day (this starts the night before) so that you can find yourself calm, cool, and collected each morning within a week of following this easy system.

Get the full system today for only $17 USD

Here's a taste of what you'll find inside Morning Routine Magic:

  1. A step-by-step guide to setting your priorities for the next day, complete with a practical template to help you stay organized and focused.

  1. A unique method to build accountability, ensuring that you stick to your morning routine and reach your goals.

  2. My personal process for discovering the big WHY behind your actions, boosting your motivation and making your tasks more meaningful.

  3. A simple yet effective way to set deadlines that will keep you on track without causing stress or overwhelm.

  4. The #1 thing to keep in mind when establishing your morning routine for a balanced and productive day.

  5. Pro tips for managing your time effectively, achieving more in less time, and enjoying a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  6. A roadmap to transformation, showing you how to go from feeling constantly tire and overwhelmed to being productive, stress-free, and enjoying more quality time with your family.

Plus…you’ll get this stress-easing,

special bonus:

This bonus guide helps you get the proper sleep you need the night before, so that you can set the stage for a successful morning.

Available for Instant Access...

Morning Routine Magic

Grab my simple mini-course and start celebrating your stress-free productive days while maintaining quality family time, too, by the end of the week.

Get instant access to:

  • Video Training on how to set up morning routine

  • Template to customize your priorities

  • Guide to figure out your big WHY

  • System to get accountability and deadlines in place

  • BONUS: Blissful Evening Routines Guide


Hey! I’m Marlene

Wife, mom of 4, world traveler, & crazy
goat girl, natural remedies enthusiast, and fan of routines that make life easier!

Since having my first baby in 2001, I’ve set key routines in place to keep our family life from caving in to the chaos. It has literally saved my sanity on more than one occasion, and since incorporating a system of routines into my daily life, I've gain a peace and calmness, even in the midst of busy schedules and every-changing needs of a growing family.

And I would love to share these methods with more driven, proactive, working moms who want to find easy solutions that work – without the years of stress, searching, sleepless nights, and feelings of helplessness that I experienced when first starting out.

That’s right! I’ve helped not only my own family, but countless other folks to discover and implement simple systems they can customize for their families to accomplish their goals with energy and productivity without sacrificing time with loved ones each day.

If you’re ready to take back your schedule and find freedom to live life as you design it, grab Morning Routine Magic and get started today! In no time at all, you will be feeling energized and motivated to tackle your key priorities each day and also enjoy quality time with your family as well.

Worried about not being able to stick with your morning routine or fearing it might add even more stress to your already busy life?

You're not alone!

So many clients tell me they hesitated to start because they were already overwhelmed with their current schedules.

But the truth is, a well-planned morning routine doesn't add to your stress; it actually helps manage it. It's about streamlining your day, setting priorities, and creating balance, not adding more tasks to your list.

And the good news is... I created Morning Routine Magic to make this process easier and more enjoyable for anyone, no matter how busy they are.

You'll even get a bonus Blissful Evening Routine Guide to help you improve your sleep and set the stage for a successful morning.

Plus, you'll learn my personal tips for maintaining your routine and staying motivated, ensuring your success in the long run.



Snag my step-by-step program, fill out the simple templates, find an encourager to cheer you on, and jumpstart your fantastic day (this starts the night before) so that you can find yourself calm, cool, and collected each morning within a week of following this easy system.

Get the full system today for only $17 USD

This isn’t just about getting up early and ticking off tasks from your to-do list.

Sure, I created the Morning Routine Magic program to help you establish a productive morning routine and manage your time more efficiently.

That’s significant!

But it's not just about completing tasks or being productive.

It's about reclaiming your peace of mind, achieving a balanced life, and realizing that you can be successful without being overwhelmed.

And that's who this is really for — hard-working individuals who want to not only improve their productivity but also enhance their overall life satisfaction.

I remember the first time I switched from chaotic mornings to a structured routine. It didn't just make my day more productive; it transformed my life, bringing in a sense of calm and control I had never experienced before.

I want that for you, too…whatever it looks like in your unique life and career.

Got a Question?

Do I get instant access to everything when I sign up?

Yes, you do! As soon as you sign up for the Morning Routine Magic program, you get immediate access to all the video training, templates, and bonus guide.

Will this show me exactly how to create my morning routine?

Absolutely! The Morning Routine Magic program provides step-by-step guidance on setting priorities, building accountability, figuring out your big WHY, and setting deadlines. Plus, it includes templates to make the process even easier.

I'm not a morning person. Will this still work for me?

Of course! The Morning Routine Magic program is designed with flexibility in mind. It's about creating a routine that works for you, whether you're an early bird or a night owl.

Do I need to have any special tools or apps to make this work?

Not at all. The Morning Routine Magic program doesn't require any special tools or apps. All you need is a willingness to make positive changes in your life.

I already have a morning routine. Will this still be helpful?

If you already have a morning routine but still feel stressed, overwhelmed, or unproductive, then yes, this program can help. It's designed to transform your mornings from chaotic to calm, helping you achieve a balanced and productive start to your day.

How much time does it take to go through the training?

The training is concise and impactful, designed to get you up and running quickly. You can go through the core content in just a few hours, and then apply the principles at your own pace.

What if I don’t have a big chunk of morning time to dedicate to this?

The Morning Routine Magic program is designed to be flexible and adaptable. It's not about dedicating hours each morning; it's about making the most of the time you have. Even if you only have a few minutes, this program can help you transform your mornings.

Does this include guidance on how to maintain the routine?

Yes, the program includes strategies and tips on how to make your new routine a sustainable part of your life, including building in accountability and setting meaningful goals.

I have one more question. How can I reach out to you?

Feel free to email us at marlene@rekindlecoach.com for any further queries!

Copyright©ReKindle Coach, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

